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i joined the game and the saved things are gone how can i join back to chaper 2 and another question how can i make less fights because in the game very 30 seconds 2/3 or even 4 mosters attack me can you pls reduce the monsters pls. anyway the game lore till now is sooooo good

Hi, I was wondering if there will be pussy and breasts in the next update?

I was wondering, in the next update, will there be more foot scenes with Genevieve, Vivian, Alexandria, Delphi, and Valentina. 

I remember how Valentina threatened to stuff the party between her toes when ever they annoyed her.

IDK, maybe?

Foot stuff is like Top 3 content to be complimented with giantess, but I really map out the plot beats first, and then I decide what content goes with the situation.

There definitely won't be foot scenes for ALL of the characters you mentioned though.

Hello I need help please, after the fight between Genevieve and Ansel in chapter 5, once Valentina picked us up i have a game over screen that appears and i don't know how to continue...

do you have the solution ?

Can I get a screenshot of the exact moment?

After this image I have a game over and i don't know how to continue...

I've never run into any bugs myself in that moment while playtesting and you're the first person I've heard of having this issue.

Unfortunately, I don't have a save file that is both around that part of the game that doesn't have some sort of developer cheat, but I'll see if I can get you a save file from a friend.

ok thanks, I would like to have a message when it is good to avoid restarting the WHOLE game 😅

Here's the best I can offer, this save should be just a little bit into Chapter 5 so you might have a little bit of retreading to do.

If the problem persists, try re-downloading the game and then plugging the save in.

Hey there im having a Problem. In chapter 3 i got the templar membership card but i dont know where i have to go next. i've been searching every room. I pressed the big button as well and the emergency generator is out as well. please help


Once you have the templar membership badge find the telephone next to the green teleportation circle in the security office. Interacting with the phone and it will enable the teleportation circle.

omg thanks a bunch. finally haha

Question: I put my saved games in the new update and they don't appear to load, what do I do?

Some of you have saved until the end of chapter 6 and can you pass it on to me somehow?

i really would like some way to know what your suppose to do next cause i forgot where i was suppose to go because i got side tracked and forgot the important text in the story :(

the part i got stuck on was when we arrived at rhode and i had to go somewhere but i forgot where  and nobody is reiterating [i'm pretty sure i checked every npc?]

i found it, i literally just had to go down when teleporting to the forest, i am quite the doofus


Will the game be updated in June?

Uh, for some reason in Chap 1 when transitioning back to the stomach after killing the husk the characters are invisible with seemingly no way to fix it. 

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Originally, I thought the cutscene bugged out because I held Z to speed up the cutscene (Similar happens with an earlier one) but even when not held still nothing.  I don't know if it's a problem with the event not turning off invisibility that's my guess as a person who also uses the program. Just look into it when you get the chance if possible. Game isn't unplayable with the spotlight, but it is a bit odd. love the game otherwise keep it up. Unfortunately, I can't attach the video file to show what I mean as this site only allows for Y.T. videos to be attached. 


The only thing I can think of that it may be a result of a certain order you press the "terminals", none of my playtests have had anything like that happen.

I'll have to check it out.

Really liking it so far, but I must be really dumb because I am stuck in chapter 1 trying to find the way after getting the princess and priestess in my party x.x Is there a walktrough or something to help me out?

Where did you try going after getting them?

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I tried north, up the mountain got all the chests, then to the fortress but it says that it is under construction. Then south, but I can't go there, no transition happens, the docks are blocked by crates and I checked all the houses xwx..

Edit: I found the way, it was up the mountain but not fully up and left before that xwx

i have to say this is one of the rare rpg maker games that i enjoy alot 

great story amazing characters and a really unexpected twist 

just one question will saves be able used in the next update?

only reason i ask this is cause when it comes to the characters and story its impossible to forget 

but the extra specials locations i might forget where they are at 

Yes, old saves will work.

Barring some unexpected technical difficulties, previous saves should be usable.


when is the next update?

Ah, a ways away I'm afraid.  A lot of assets to be done, and not even in Skinwalker.  My other game has been long overdue for an update itself, and has priority right now.

How can I support you financially?

I do have a Ko-Fi here if you want to donate.

But it's not really the financials so much as the workload.


I've been following for a while and wanted to say keep up the great work! I just beat chapter 6.